Council of the Town of Redvers passed a bylaw regarding sump pumps at their meeting September 24, 2014. The bylaw requires all newly constructed buildings to have a dual discharge system installed and all existing buildings that already have sump pits to have a dual discharge system in place by December 31, 2015. Under the bylaw, sump pumps are not allowed to pump water into the domestic sewer between May 1 and September 30. During that time, water must be pumped outside to the surface, where it will run to the storm sewer. However, between October 1 and April 30, when the ground is frozen, pumping water into the domestic sewer will be allowed. Having a dual discharge system allows for building owners to pump water to both the storm sewer and domestic sewer at the allotted times of year. The bylaw was passed after extensive flooding last spring and summer caused the domestic sewer to become overloaded. Council discussed the problem and decided that having town residents pump outside, instead of into the domestic sewer, during the summer months would alleviate the load on the domestic sewer system during wet seasons.
Good news! There is a grant available for upgrading your sump pump to a dual system.
If you have any questions, or would like to look at the Bylaw, contact the Town Office and we will be happy to assist you. Phone: 306.452.3533 or email