Anyone operating a business within Town limits must hold a valid Business License.
If the business is located within the Town of Redvers and the owner pays commercial taxes, a municipal business license is provided by the Town of Redvers.
If the business is located within the Town of Redvers and the business owner does not pay commercial taxes (such as is the case with rental space), a municipal business license is required.
If the business is situated outside of Town limits but does business in Redvers, a municipal business license is required.
Obtaining a Business License
To obtain a Business License, an application form must be filled out and the fee is to be paid in full. Applications for business licenses are available at the Town Office.
The Fee Schedule for Business Licenses are as follows:
Daily Fee | $25 |
Monthly Fee | $50 |
Yearly Fee | $100 |
A Business License is valid for the calendar year of the application date. The calendar year runs from January 1 to December 31 of the same year.
Invoices are mailed out at the beginning of the year. Fees are due and payable by the last week in February. Anyone operating a business without paying the associated fees is in violation of the Business License Bylaw 643-2018.
For more information on business licenses, contact:
Town of Redvers
(306) 452-3533